Learn to put your money, income, expenses, debt on track and start your future today Lesson 01 Money and currency; Lesson 02 The benefits of having a financial plan; What is a financial plan; How to determine your net worth; Lesson 03 Setting financial goals – save for yourself first; Take action! tips for managing expenses – tackle debts; Tools …
Course Difficulty: Beginner
Introduction to ESG
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is a concept that has gained widespread attention in the business world today. ESG is an integrated way of evaluating an organization’s impact on the environment, its relationship with employees, customers, and suppliers, as well as its corporate governance practices. In this mini-course you will be introduced to the basics of ESG. Who might this …
Digital skills – Basic level 1
Why you need digital skills In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, possessing digital skills is becoming increasingly important. With almost every aspect of our lives having an online presence, being digitally literate can not only make everyday tasks easier but can also offer employment opportunities that would have been impossible a few years ago. From basic computer skills to social media …