
Welcome to our digital courses online catalogue.

Please browse around and select which one you are more interested in.

Digital skills Basic – level 1

Learning what a computer is;  Intranet and Internet concepts, browsing the web (www. or world wide web); online privacy concepts, opening and managing an online email and bank account and performing online shopping. Technical data

Introduction to ESG

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is a concept that has gained widespread attention in the business world today. Learn how to incorporate and outline a strategy.

PDEP – Personal or Domestic Economy Plan

The benefits of having a financial plan; How to make a financial plan; How to determine your net worth; Setting financial goals; Tips for managing expenses; Tools for tracking expenses; Building an emergency fund; Managing debt; Investing in your future; Planning for retirement and more

ADMDP – Activities to Delay Mental Degenerative Processes

Types of Exercises to Improve Brain Function; How Much Exercise is Needed for Optimal Brain Health?; Types of Cognitive Stimulation Activities; Activities and Strategies for Social Engagement; Specific Nutrients and Foods for Brain Health; Stress Management Techniques for Mental Health

Learn how to apply this concept at your home or senior institution

Democracy and EU Citizenship

By the end of the course, students will have a clear idea of the purpose of the Citizens’ Initiative, how it works, how it fits within the broader context of democracy in the European Union, and how they can use it to bring about change in their world. .

Digital Skills – Intermediate – level 2

Learning what a Operating System software is and how to install it on a computer; learning basics to operate Office productivity software, such as word processing, presentations, and spreadsheet (preferably using open software such as LibreOffice).

Digital skills – Advanced – level 3

Learning what an internet domain is and how to register one; what are http and https protocols; Web hosting, it’s purpose and how to obtain it; Different websites, their purposes (blogs, online shops, etc) and how to build them.

Digital Skills – High advanced skills – level 4

Learning about basic programming.

Hydroponics at home

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in nutrient-rich water without or just with little amounts of soil. It is a sustainable and efficient way to grow crops. With hydroponics, you can grow plants all year round, regardless of the season, and in any location, even if you don’t have outdoor space. In this course, we’ll explore what hydroponics is, how it works, and the benefits of setting up your own hydroponics garden at home. We’ll also provide you with practical tips on how to start your own hydroponics garden, including information on different hydroponics techniques, growing mediums, nutrients, lighting, common problems, and maintenance.

STEAM Education

STEAM education is a interdisciplinary approach to learning that combines science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. It harnesses the natural symbiosis between these disciplines to foster creative problem-solving, collaboration and critical thinking.

If you are an institution (governmental or not), school or other entity related to education and need these courses to be adapted, or displayed in another language, please contact us